Canyon Lodge #2887
Organizing Committee Thank You

Canyon Elks Lodge #2887 would like to express our deepest thanks to a group of selfless people who have spent countless hours, mounds of dedication, and loads of effort into the institution of our Lodge in Canyon, Texas. From meeting every single Friday morning for the last 8 months and discussing the process of what it takes to be a successful Elk Lodge all the way to sweeping and mopping and late night phone conversation, this group of Elks have gone above and beyond for the people of Canyon and the surrounding area. It is because of this group that the Canyon community will be able to get help for children to grow up healthy and drug-free and to meet the needs of our veterans. Words will never be enough to thank them for what they have done for Canyon Elks. The future for Canyon Elk Lodge #2287 is waiting because of the work they have done. Thank you DeeLee Zint, Ricky Kobernick, David Zint, Royce Butler, Buck Buckley, Ann Sara, and Tim Parker!
⬒ Historical Archives
Canyon Lodge OfficersOfficers Roles ResponsibilitiesElks National FoundationTexas SweetheartElks OrgMighty PanWestOur SponsorsStory of The BPOE11th Hour ToastInterlodgesCanyon Elks Challenge CoinOrganizing CommitteeInvite A Friend To JoinPhoto Consent FormFlag Day Celebration & RetirementENFFY2021, Total Income: $62,047,958
FY2021, Total End-of-Year Net Assets: $833,003,371Sweethearts
Texas Elks Children's Services
Feb 8, 2020 - $12,702,385.94