Canyon Lodge #2887
Exalted Ruler Letter

Dear Fellow Member,
My husband, Ernest and I joined the Elks three years ago as Charter members. Initially we joined for the opportunity to meet new people since we had moved to Texas 5 years prior. Our first Christmas with the Elks opened my eyes to the opportunities to help others in our community. It was at this time I began to learn about our Community Investment Program Grants through our Elks National Foundation (ENF) and was appointed at the Lodge’s ENF Grant Coordinator. Since then, I have also taken the lead with our Welcome Home Kits, which provides the household essentials for our veterans exiting homelessness. My heart is in helping others in need and the impact our Lodge has had in the community has been very rewarding.
Over the last few years, I have enjoyed meeting and getting to know other Elks from throughout the state and country while attending our district, state, and national conventions. While we all come from different walks of life, we share the common goal of helping those in our community. Getting to know our fellow Elks has left me with a feeling of having an extended family, and each time we attend, it feels like a family reunion! Words cannot express how giving our fellow brothers and sisters are. Whether it’s lending an ear, playing cards, or shopping for a homeless veteran. The friendships and experiences I have made will endure . With that said, what brought you to the Elks? What is something you would like to see happen at our Lodge?
Katherine Mathis
Exalted Ruler
⬒ Historical Archives
Canyon Lodge OfficersOfficers Roles ResponsibilitiesElks National FoundationTexas SweetheartElks OrgMighty PanWestOur SponsorsStory of The BPOE11th Hour ToastInterlodgesCanyon Elks Challenge CoinOrganizing CommitteeInvite A Friend To JoinPhoto Consent FormFlag Day Celebration & RetirementENFFY2021, Total Income: $62,047,958
FY2021, Total End-of-Year Net Assets: $833,003,371Sweethearts
Texas Elks Children's Services
Feb 8, 2020 - $12,702,385.94